LIRR Monitoring Program

Recent Entries to the Montauk LIRR Activity Log Posts:
2004-07-09 @ 10:15pm — Red “BUDWEISER” bar carts outside LIRR office trailer, looks like they just got done w/ a party there. Hope the LIRR crew is not drinking Budweiser before “driving” trains back West!
2004-06-14 @ 4:03am — Super loud HORN BLASTING @ 4am CONTINUES! This seems like some kind personal vendetta and is w/o question an abuse of power, resulting from total lack of supervision.
2004-06-27 @ 5:53am — 502 still HIGH – IDLING, Fuel Guage reads 1770 Gallons. That means the LIRR crew burned 50 GALLONS of deisel in about 1-1/2 hours… just to run the A/C. THAT IS A HUGE WASTE!!!
2004-06-08 @ 4:44am — Train woke me up, left running unattended at EXTREMELY LOUD high-idle. End car of train “blacked-out”, LIRR crew probably sleeping. Hundreds of people are being disturbed by a 3000HP deisel locomotive so LIRR crew can CATCH A SNOOZE instead of doing their job (while on duty & getting paid no less)!
Read More: [Montauk LIRR Activity Log]