
November, 2008

  • I’m at ad:tech New York today. Looking forward to meeting a few people I’ve been speaking to on the phone.
  • Off to vote.
  • Listening to French conversation in the press room of #adtechny as I write a blog post. All I hear are web 2.0 brand names dropped every min.
  • heading over to latitude bar for the #adtechny cocktail party. I really could use a drink after today.
  • Obama is the 44th President of the United States.
  • Google withdrawing from Yahoo deal; not worth the legal fight. Mission Accomplished.
  • Off to The Emperor Has No Clothes: The Affluent Consumer Online @ #adtechny & @doshdosh Palin is done. Party going to mutate in next 4 yrs
  • Playing with the new www.Plaxo.com site before getting the Higbie Bagels with the German.
  • Eddie Bauer’s return policy, a huge part of their brand is purposely vague & disingenuous. The brand is old, tired, boring & will die a slow death
  • Comments on my “DPA” post brought back memories of cruisin’, Monte Carlos, t-tops, IROC’s & Z. Cavariccis. What does DPA mean to you LI?
  • Wish I could be in the Oval Office listening to the Bush & Obama conversation.
  • I just got hit by friendly fire Rick Rolling Bea. Now I that stupid song stuck in my head.
  • Back at my desk returning calls & emails. Fun having dinner with Rob, Melissa, Bea at Mexican Radio & drinks with team Greece at Pravada.
  • Did the Google Analytics home page change? I like.
  • My weekly review is going analog. Working with pencil and paper today.
  • A product added to iliketotallyloveit.com only 6 hours ago by a first time submitter is already #3 on Google for its Key Word. I’m shocked.
  • Off to see 007 at the new Tanger outlet movie theater. It’s a warm & damp long island night. Storm’s a-brewing.
  • Double 0 Awesome. This Bond kicks A$$. The new theater @ Tanger Arches is a brand spanking new & clean, please tare down stinky Commack
  • Digg Facts: Over 30 million users every month, about 16,000 submissions a day, and about 32,000 comments.
  • Cleaning garage day here at the Barba’s & I found my Palm Pilot IIIxe. Damn, there is no way to connect it to any of my computers.
  • Packing books and listening to mash-ups from the http://mashuptown.com/ podcast. Bose speakers, best present ever.
  • Taking the German to Benihana’s tonight for something different. I think she’ll like it and I haven’t been since Abracadabra came out.
  • Alan Keyes files a lawsuit over Obama eligibility. Why doesn’t this issue go away?
  • Pondering. Will Obama offer McCain Sec. of Defense? Clinton Sec of State? What would Lincoln do? Would they accept it? Shouldn’t I be sleeping?
  • Getting acquainted with the Google Analytics visualization feature. Watching trends for the past two years. Wish I could slow the speed down.
  • What’s the etiquette when someone accepts a friendship/connection on a social network? Is emailing a thank you already too spammy? Thoughts?
  • CEOs of GM, Ford & Chrysler flew private jets to DC to cry poverty. Go home & restructure before begging. Fire PR & fly first class back.
  • I have 1 hour before the wife gets home. Let’s see how much of the Rezorter style sheet I can get done. Richard bear w/ me as I slow u down.
  • That was a very very productive hour. Going to be a husband for a few hours, continue after she falls asleep. Thank you SomaFM Digitalis.
  • Done for tonight. Can Richard & I rebuild/launch Rezorter.com in 7 days? That’s the challenge I’m enjoying. Going in a totally new direction
  • ‘Twas the night before tomorrow, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, only tony B’s mouse.
  • Great conversation w/ an Internets Celebrities of Ghetto Big Mac, Bodega & Checkmate fame.
  • Felt great to go back to EUE/Screen Gems today, see the old gang. I’ve come full circle & ready for what’s coming next. I learned a lot there
  • Listening to Kayne West’s new album. Love/hate him this guy is talented. The first track is very sad. 1st album since his mother passed on.
  • Listening to Kanye’s new album again while working on the Rezorter UI design. The first track is my favorite. Album reminiscent of William Orbit
  • How does my partner Richard work this fast? Now I have to catch up.
  • Listening to Pink Floyd’s The Man & the Journey. Recorded live 1969.
  • For some strange reason, everyone is awake at 5 am & ready to have breakfast. I guess she’s excited to get to work today too.
  • Been going almost non-stop since 6 am. Going to take a little lunch break. Checkers (the poor man’s In & Out burger) here I come!
  • There is so much in my life to be thankful for.
  • While Bea sleeps I’m playing with her brand new MacBookPro. Glossy screen, no 2nd button, cold sharp aluminum edges but it’s looks awesome!
  • Productive day of de-cluttering, organizing & packing. Found tons of cool stuff from my childhood. Taking Mrs. Barba out as my reward.

Father • Husband • Entrepreneur helping non-profit engage supporters • Editor • Homesick Long Islander • Aspiring Christian

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