Bon Appetite Comrade. Pasternak (Ryke)
Bon Appetite Comrade. Pasternak (Ryke)
View from Subway
Off to a meeting with a British programmer and got off where my blackberry told me to. This was that view. Von meinem drahtlosen BlackBerry®-Handheld gesendet
November, 2008
I’m at ad:tech New York today. Looking forward to meeting a few people I’ve been speaking to on the phone. Off to vote. Listening to French conversation in the press room of #adtechny…
The VideoSong
A VideoSong is a new Medium with two rules: What you see is what you hear (no lip-syncing for instruments or voice). If you hear it, at some point you see it (no…
DropBox. Drop Dead Easy. Drop Dead Fast.
I just downloaded dropbox to my laptop so I can sync files with my desktop. This sure beats walking around with a memory stick around my neck. And it’s free for 2 gigs.…
The Only News I’m Watching
The Day There Was No News from Wyld Stallyons on Vimeo.
October 2008
Going for a walk on the beach. Field Five Robert Moses. It’s been a long 12 days. Feels good. Senate passes the bailout bill. The Obama team is amazing. They just released an…