First This Week in Mobility Meet-up
Last night we had our very first This Week in Mobility Meet-up in Berlin. I was very pleased with the turnout and the sunset.
Why I started This Week in Mobility
Finding this article is EXACTLY why I started This Week in Mobility. Its about the grass roots Community “Uber” movement across America. I immediately contacted our good friends @libretaxi. Then connected them with…
We are living in wondrous times
I’m truly living in a future the 1986 Anthony would never have believed. Getting live Mets stats on a widget on a speeding train? Hold on, I’m going to marry a German!?
First likemind event of 2017
Likemind is a group of Berliner that meet the 3rd Friday of every month for good conversation & coffee. It started in New York City and now has almost 50 local chapters on…
Branding Life Balance
This weekend was one of those times where my many years of experience building start-ups help give me perspective. Branding is hard & takes time.
Chromeography exhibition
I shot this (and many others) today at Classic Remise in Berlin. The renovated tram depot is a massive showcase for antique automobiles, complete with restoration parts dealers and specialist body shops. Maybe…
Waiting on a Friend
Waiting on a friend at Pasternak by Anthony Barba on EyeEm
Bon Appetite Comrade. Pasternak (Ryke)
Bon Appetite Comrade. Pasternak (Ryke)
Jürgen Trittin Interviewed on Election Night
Last week I put a tweet out looking to get invited to a Political Party’s Head Quarter to watch the election results come in and take photos for the Berlin Image. I was…