BOS COFFEE: Weekly OKRs – July 23rd
OUR MISSION: To fund the release of every rehabilitated orangutan back into the rainforest – one supporter, and one cup at a time. Q3 OBJECTIVE: Establish BOS Coffee as a suitable replacement for…
BOS COFFEE: Weekly OKRs – July 16th
OUR MISSION: To fund the release of every rehabilitated orangutan back into the rainforest – one supporter, and one cup at a time. Q3 OBJECTIVE: Establish BOS Coffee as a suitable replacement for supporters’ (AKA customers) existing…
Playing with Amazon Sales Center
Learn about the experience of selling on Amazon and making your first sale as a Brand. Discover the process of fulfillment and how it all comes together.
Thinking about video
So what if we started doing video? On the blog. Just started talking. Just like this.
Why is being alone scarier than failing?
I set a goal to launch five ideas in 2021. This would atone me for failing to launch past projects and help me get over my fear of launching in public. But somehow…
Learning to take time off
I worked none stop while my family was away, yet I felt guilty for taking an afternoon off to go sledding with my daughter. I’m sure glad I did. It was one of…
150 hours later…we make our first sale.
150 hours later...we make our first sale. My 2021 resolution was to only test ideas that people could pay us with a credit card. No complex business models. Test ideas at light speed.…
140 hours later
My family left me alone 11 days ago when they went to Grandma’s house. I have spent every waking moment since building two marketplaces. For the first 5 days, I built the foundation…
Sharescription Rejected by Betalist 😥
I’m surprised and disappointed. I emailed betalist this morning to know what I need to fix to get accepted. Developing…